Policy & Resources Committee

Agenda Item 56(b)


Subject:                    Marine Gate

                                    Deputation referred from Public Engagement Meeting/Council held on the 21 July 2022


Date of meeting:    6 October 2022


Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release





1.1    To receive the following Deputation which was presented at the Public Engagement / Council meeting held on the 21 July 2022.




2.1    That the Committee either note or call for an officer report.



3.1      The following deputation was presented at the Public Engagement / Council meeting held on the 21 July 2022 by Ms L Hyde:


Residents in Marine Gate are concerned that they are not being listened to by the Council and that the Council is not treating the building as the historic building it is.


Marine Gate, built between 1937 and 1939, is a unique building in Brighton and Hove.  It needs to be remembered that this is recognised by the Council as an historic building but the Council are currently not recognising that fact, which is why I am bringing this Deputation today.


Designed in a U-shape to allow all flats to have a seaview and portholes to the bathroom windows provide a subtle nautical feel.  Given its position, Marine Gate is recognised as providing a landmark when travelling along the Coast Road.


The disused gaswork site lies between the Marine Gate historic building and the Kemp Town Conservation area.  This means that any development plans for the Gasworks site need to be sensitive to not only the Conservation area but also the historic marine gate building.


The current proposals would have a tremendous impact on the West side of this historic building and the residents within and the amenity of homes


The local residents of Marine Gate have their own local community, and feel like they have been ignored by both the developer and the council, who are not adequately consulting with them.


This deputation is to remind the Council that Marine Gate is recognised as an historic building and that this needs to be reflected in the Council’s thinking and actions on the gasworks site.


Residents are calling for.


1.    More and improved consultation with Marine Gate residents on the future of the gasworks site going forward.

2.    The council to recognise that the current proposals are totally unsympathetic to Marine Gate as an historic building and are unsuited to the site.

3.    Any future plans to recognise the historic and recognised historic status of Marine Gate.